News – Page 6 – Bring It On Cleaner
Cleaning and Maintaining Your Bathroom

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Bathroom

You need to clean your bathroom regularly to prevent the ugly scales from invading your bathroom surfaces. Repeated brushing, soaping and rinsing your bathroom tiles involves time and energy and does not assure of the complete removal of the offensive scale build-up. Soap even contributes to more scales. 
2 Ways to Remove Hard Water Stains on Household Surfaces

2 Ways to Remove Hard Water Stains on Household Surfaces

We all experience it -- stepping into the bathroom and seeing the murky layer of gray or white dirt on the tiles, shower doors, or faucets. We open the window and there we see it too, the same murky dirt blurring the window glass. We then press and drag down a spot with our finger but unfortunately the dirt won't come off.



Bring It On Cleaner also removes soap scum, mold and mildew, rust, salt spray and grease. It really works, it's amazing!!